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Ariton Suffers Defeat in First Round of Playoffs

After finishing the season with a winning record that made Ariton qualified for the playoff, Ariton played against Washington County on November fourth.

The game was three and a half hours away in Leroy but there were still a great number of purple cat fans cheering for the players.

The boys left at 11:30 that morning to get rested and ready for the game. When the game began at seven there was no score on either side until late in the second quarter.

The final score of the game was 0-26 in favor of Washington County.

Even though the boys lost the game, the Ariton community is still proud of our boys. Georgia Galloway said “We may not have won the game but I'm so proud of our supporters for showing up at such a long distance game and I'm also proud of the football players for giving it their all.”

Win or lose the Ariton family will always be supportive of the school and the teams behind the school.

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